Investigative Services
of Dogma


In the company, the administrative bodies are called upon to make strategic decisions. While not being able to know everything, it is necessary that the information is adequate to guide the business in the right direction.
CFOs are responsible for managing and planning financial activities, enabling company management to make informed decisions based on numbers. We support Chief Finance Officers with the knowledge necessary to provide quantitative and qualitative information in financial transactions.
We support personnel managers in cases of violation of the obligation of loyalty and in the evaluation necessary to prevent and combat internal fraud.
The director of legal affairs, that is, the legal consultant is a privileged point of contact in activities that require qualified information. The Chief Legal Officer is often called upon to protect the company in court also with the aid of investigations useful for minimizing or resolving out-of-court or judicial issues.
The Security Manager has a role of strategic importance in company organizations (corporate or SMEs), he is responsible for preventing and combating operational (also at an IT level), financial and reputational risks of companies, and his requirements are defined by the UNI 10459 standard. and by law 81 on safety (ex 626). We support with dedicated services for the ordinary and extraordinary operations that the Security Manager is required to perform.

Investigation Agency DOGMA S.p.A.
Investigation Agency Milan
Via Cino del Duca, 5
20122 - Milan
Ph. +39 02 76281415
Fax +39 02 76391517
Investigation Agency Turin
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 92
10121 - Turin
Ph. +39 011 5617504
Fax +39 011 531117
Investigation Agency Rome
Via G. Gioacchino Belli, 39
00193 - Rome
Ph. +39 06 89871789
Investigation Agency London
Level 33, 25 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
London E15 5LB nb
Ph. +44 2 039608665
Investigation Agency New York
3rd and 4th Floors,
57 West 57th Street - Manhattan
New York 10019 USA
Ph. +1 646 416 7897
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