Minor Control

Parents can exercise control over their minor children in light of their responsibility of controlling, supervising and ensuring the safety of their own children/ to protect the child from harm.


Minor Control

Parents can exercise control over their minor children in light of their responsibility of controlling, supervising and ensuring the safety of their own children/ to protect the child from harm.

With the introduction of the concept of parental responsibility contained in the law 154/2013 that has redrafted the articles 315 and ss? Of the civil code the reciprocal duties of parents and sons have been clarified/specified. Concerning the parents, those have the obligation not only to educate but also to monitor the minor offsprings.

In today’s society, there are many and ever-increasing dangers a minor can succumb to, such as for example the association with bad companies and misconducts outside the home. These can occur, for instance, in case the minor pretends to go to school and instead spends the day somewhere else or carries out violent or illicit actions against people or things, or even using drugs.

To the above-mentioned dangers, we need to add/there are all the risks entailed in the use of technology (computers, phones etc.) that is increasingly widespread among the children and young people exposing them to risky situations often neglected by both the minors and their family members. In case of any situation perceived as anomalous it might be necessary for parents to take control on different aspects of their children’s life.

The minors’ behaviours that could serve as a wake-up call to the parent that is responsible for them are:

  • strong opposition and conflict with parents;
  • unexpected mood shifts/swings;
  • low tolerance of frustration (prohibitions or impositions trigger excessively aggressive reactions/behaviours);
  • habit changes and modifications of their social life (groups of friends);
  • disturbances of the sleep-wake cycle;
  • strange objects (e.g. precision balance, tinfoil, lighters, empty plastic bottles, pipes, knives, etc.) among personal belongings;
  • low care of oneself and low level of commitment at school or in posts activities, etc.

DOGMA S.r.l. can assist parents in the exercise of their duty of supervision of the minor with an investigative activity directed at controlling the minor, in order to prevent or resolve dangerous situations in which the child could incur to avoid possible damages.

Call the toll-free number 800 105 616 to immediately receive an estimate and a free and confidential consulting, or use the form that you can find on this(?) page to send us your request.

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